Pictures from 2012 Bland Competition
Alexandria Host's Kim Miller presents cellist Daniel Tavani with a 1st place scholarship as DG Dennis Kelly and Bland Foundation Chair Vickie Yanics look on. Soprano Sarah Larkworthy receives a 1st place scholarship. DG Dennis Kelly and Bland Foundation Chair Vickie Yanics congratulate her. Harpist Rachel Hall receives a 2nd place scholarship from Arlington South Lions rep Chuck Fields as DG Dallas Scott assists.
DG Dallas Scott (24E) and 2nd place vocalist Louisa Britt Pianist William Hume receives a 3rd place scholarship from Lancaster County Lions President James Schmidt. Bland Chair Sandy Mikulecky (24D) assists. Bland Chair Sandy Mikulecky and DG Alton Miller (24D) assist in presenting Sarah Haigh, soprano, a 3rd place scholarship. The award was donated by the McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions, Robert Bloomquist, presenter.
1st VDG Jim Nicholson looks on as Foster Morse, from Mason Neck Lions, awards pianist Emily Bruzzo with a $1,000 scholarship. Eric Black, tuba, is given a $1,000 scholarship by Lion Peter Sizemore of the Richmond West Breakfast Club. DG Janis Chenery (24B) looks on. District Bland Chair Ann Harris and DG Janis Chenery (24B) assist as baritone Eric Grendahl receives a $1,000 award from Woodbridge's Carrel Ball.
District Bland Chair Jim Christiansen and DG Pat Isaac (24C) congratulate soprano Temple Hammen. Southside Lion's PDG Dick Knox presents a $1,000 scholarship to her from his club. Woodbridge Lion Sharon Schrack presents soprano Kristin Vaughn with a $1,000 scholarship as 1st VDG Jim Nicholson looks on. Harpist Emily Maldonado is given a $1,000 scholarship donated by Bailey's Crossroads Lions. District Bland Chair Jim Christiansen and DG Pat Issac (24C) are joined by Bailey's reps PCC Shirley Wilson and Lion Nancy Weisgerber.