Alexandria Host's Kim Miller presents cellist Daniel Tavani with a 1st place scholarship as DG Dennis Kelly and Bland Foundation Chair Vickie Yanics look on. |
Soprano Sarah Larkworthy receives a 1st place scholarship. DG Dennis Kelly and Bland Foundation Chair Vickie Yanics congratulate her. |
Harpist Rachel Hall receives a 2nd place scholarship from Arlington South Lions rep Chuck Fields as DG Dallas Scott assists. |
DG Dallas Scott (24E) and 2nd place vocalist Louisa Britt |
Pianist William Hume receives a 3rd place scholarship from Lancaster County Lions President James Schmidt. Bland Chair Sandy Mikulecky (24D) assists. |
Bland Chair Sandy Mikulecky and DG Alton Miller (24D) assist in presenting Sarah Haigh, soprano, a 3rd place scholarship. The award was donated by the McGaheysville-Massanutten Lions, Robert Bloomquist, presenter. |
1st VDG Jim Nicholson looks on as Foster Morse, from Mason Neck Lions, awards pianist Emily Bruzzo with a $1,000 scholarship. |
Eric Black, tuba, is given a $1,000 scholarship by Lion Peter Sizemore of the Richmond West Breakfast Club. DG Janis Chenery (24B) looks on. |
District Bland Chair Ann Harris and DG Janis Chenery (24B) assist as baritone Eric Grendahl receives a $1,000 award from Woodbridge's Carrel Ball. |
District Bland Chair Jim Christiansen and DG Pat Isaac (24C) congratulate soprano Temple Hammen. Southside Lion's PDG Dick Knox presents a $1,000 scholarship to her from his club. |
Woodbridge Lion Sharon Schrack presents soprano Kristin Vaughn with a $1,000 scholarship as 1st VDG Jim Nicholson looks on. |
Harpist Emily Maldonado is given a $1,000 scholarship donated by Bailey's Crossroads Lions. District Bland Chair Jim Christiansen and DG Pat Issac (24C) are joined by Bailey's reps PCC Shirley Wilson and Lion Nancy Weisgerber. |
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